Housing Stability Assistance Program

Posted By on May 26, 2021

The City of San Diego COVID-19 Housing Stability Assistance Program helps to pay past-due, unpaid rent and utilities for individuals and families with low income in the City of San Diego who experience financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Per guidance from the U.S. Department of Treasury, financial help this program provides to a household is not considered income for the household.

Households that meet the following criteria are eligible to receive help:

  • Tenant has a City of San Diego address.
  • Household income is at or below 80 percent of San Diego’s Area Median Income (AMI), currently $97,000 per year for a family of four.
  • Household has an obligation to pay rent.
  • At least one member of the household has a reduction of income or other financial hardship due to COVID-19.
  • Household experienced or is at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

For more information visit: www. sdhc.org


1501 Front Street
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (619) 786-7497

Management Team

Justin Goodman | jgoodman@actionlife.com

Assistant Manager
Jai Swinton | jaiswinton@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | 949-450-0202

Corporate Office
2603 Main Street, Suite 500
Irvine, CA 92614
phone | 949-450-0202
fax | 949-450-0303