Manager’s Messages
Trick or Treat Approved Units
Trick or Treating will be On Thursday October 31, 2024 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.
The following units have signed up with Management to be approved units for trick or treating;
101, 210, 225, 244, 301, 334, 337, 342, 401, 508
Happy Hour
The Social Committee organizes a monthly happy hour typically held at restaurants in walking distance from Palermo. The next happy hour is scheduled for November 1, 2024 and will be held at Allegro in Little Italy. RSVP to the Palermo Monthly Happy Hour What’s App Chat.
Movie Night
There will be a double feature movie night at the pool area on October 25, 2024. The first movie is a family friendly movie and starts at 6:30PM. The second movie will be scary and the movie is still to be determined.