Air Conditioning

Posted By on September 2, 2022

With the hot weather and increased usage of air conditioning (AC), many residents are discovering problems with their AC system. The most common problem that is occurring is clogged drainage of the air conditioning unit.

The primary drain is connected to the p-trap under the bathroom sink. In most cases the bathroom sink, or AC drian line is clogged and does not allow the AC unit to drain properly.

The secondary drain is a pipe stub over the bathroom sink or on the inside of the bathroom door protruding from the ceiling. When either drain is clogged it can cause a condensation drip/leak.

The drip can easily be misidentified as a leak coming from the unit above you. If you experience this drip you can identify if it is the AC unit causing it by turning off the AC, waiting for 40 minutes and the drip should stop.

If your AC unit needs serviced, contact a qualified HVAC vendor. It is possible that the vendor would ask for roof access to inspect your HVAC unit. Management can coordinate access to the roof for vendors Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 3:30 pm.

If you would like a recommendation for an HVAC vendor email


1501 Front Street
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (619) 786-7497

Management Team

Justin Goodman |

Assistant Manager
Jai Swinton |

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | 949-450-0202

Corporate Office
2603 Main Street, Suite 500
Irvine, CA 92614
phone | 949-450-0202
fax | 949-450-0303