Dear Palermo Resident, There is a concern across the nation that there could be demonstrations during election week. We hope for a peaceful week, but out of an abundance...
Lobby Floors Waxed – Rescheduled: First Ave. and Front Street lobbies will be cleaned and waxed Wednesday November 4th, between 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The lobbies will be...
There will be an additional layer of wax applied to the lobby floors on First Ave. and Front Street on: Thursday October 29th, between 12:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m....
Masks Worn in Common Areas: To include all residents’ safety, and in following the County’s guidelines, it is required to wear a face covering when in common areas.
Please be advised that a full water shut down (Hot and Cold Water) is required for Building 3 on Tuesday, October 20, 2020. The water is expected to be...
Do not allow your pet/s to relieve themselves in common areas, this includes the street level. Please take your pets across the street on Cedar St. to the designated...
In addition to our monthly sidewalk power washing, First St. and Beech St. will receive a deep cleaning to address the excess grime on these blocks. The bristle scrubbing,...
Submit you ballots for the Board Directors candidates by October 27th, 2020. If you have not received your ballot by mail, please stop by the office to receive your...
Please pick-up after your furry little 4-legged ones. Bring a bag with you each time to remove the waste, as there are not always bags available in the stations....
Thank you for voting for the pool reconstruction project. The measure passed with 183 in favor of the loan, and 8 opposed. The results of the voter ballots that...